‘Tis the season for resolutions!

Yes, I admit, I’m a resolutioner (yes, totally a word).  I always swear up and down that “this year will be different, I’m not jumping on the resolution-making-train, I’ll live like everyday is Jan. 1: continually setting and achieving goals, keep my eye on the ball(s)…” etc., etc., etc.  But inevitably I get sucked in, and find myself making those big, this-is-how-I’m-going-to-do-better-this-year resolutions with the best of ’em.

Last year I kept it pretty simple…lose weight, spend more ‘quality’ time with the rugrats, and focus on my photography love with the assistance of a 365 Project.  2 out of 3 ain’t bad (my 365 lasted 46 days…oops).  So this year I’ll follow suit and keep it simple, adding a biggie though:  getting more fit (lots of yoga is my goal!), enjoy family time to the fullest, try my best to make more time for my fave hobby AND…grow my lovely little business!  Last year was a fairly busy one, but in analyzing my overall year, I realize I don’t spend enough time putting myself out there.  I can market the heck out of my clients, but I don’t do it for myself *hangs head sheepishly*.

In realizing where I was coming up short in my own business, I thought that many others are probably in the same boat.  You get caught up in the day-to-day, and your business is enough to keep afloat, but time might not be managed to incorporate that all-important-to-a-small-business marketing and networking to not only keep you afloat, but send you on a tropical cruise!  So this year, I’m going to do my best to actually SCHEDULE that into my work week.  Yes, schedule.  For my design business, I schedule email-answering, photo-editing, client site maintenance, etc. in blocks of time, and now marketing will have it’s own little block.  Now sure, some weeks it won’t be feasible if I’m working a lot of print deadlines or have a last-minute rush job.  But if it’s on the calendar, it’s going to remind me, and it won’t go by the wayside (for long…).  And I’ve already begun, by jumpstarting my blog!

So what are you planning to do this year to grow your business?

(By the way, found a great reading list for small business and entrepreneurs.  What’s that?  Yes, yes, of course I’m going to make time for reading….)