In between client projects these past few weeks, I FINALLY got around to spiffing up my own site a bit. Namely, my poor portfolio. When I put my site up initially, I was so busy with clients but knew I needed to get something up, and quickly. And (thankfully!!) I’ve stayed busy, so my site remained…unfinished. Not that it doesn’t still need some work, but I’m definitely happier with the portfolio lay-out (and finally got the logo gallery working correctly!). I also added a page showing a few of the ads I’ve done recently, both animated and static, for print as well as web. I’ve had so many more requests for these lately, so figured it might be a good idea ;).
Now granted, other than the ads, I haven’t added the latest logos, business cards and other projects, but I have posted many of those here. I’ll get to it, soon….
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