Design Packages
If you’re starting a new business or updating your image, you’re probably going to need an array of items in the graphic design department. The packages below have been inspired by the many small businesses and entrepreneurs I’ve worked with over the years (including some of the names!), fitting a variety of needs while providing some savings in your budget.
For each of these packages, please keep in mind that I’m happy to tweak any of them to your specific needs…together we can create your own custom suite (we can even give it a cool name if you like).

The perfect package for new businesses or rebranding.THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES:
Standard Logo Design∞
Business Card Design
Any 2 of the following:
letterhead, email signature, Facebook cover + profile image,
Twitter cover + profile image
up to $170 savings

Whether you have an upcoming event or promotion, or need a complete marketing makeover, this package will have you covered.THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES:
Brochure Design
Postcard Design
(up to) 1/2 Page Print Ad
Web/Social Media Ad
$100+ savings

The ideal package to cover both your print and online presence, while not breaking the budget.THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES:
Standard Logo Design∞
Business Card Design
WordPress Template Design∞
Homepage Design
$320 savings

Well, maybe not the WHOLE enchilada, but certainly a significant portion of it. Gives you full and consistent branding coverage.THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES:
Standard Logo Design∞
Business Card Design
Rack Card Design
Full Site Design∞
Facebook and Twitter cover + profile images